You have 10 free tickets for The Feuerle Collection during our regular opening hours

You have 10 personal invitations for exclusive events at The Feuerle Collection

Your brand receives exposure on every project-related media for the project you support

You have one free Incense Ceremony for up to 4 guests

You can book for free one exclusive tour of The Feuerle Collection for up to 10 guests outside our regular opening hours

You receive 10% price reduction on rental fees for your corporate events at The Feuerle Collection

You are invited to an annual gathering

You can receive an attestation for tax deduction


5.000€ per year

For more information, to become a corporate friend or to gift a membership, please write to

By clicking Become a Corporate friend, you accept the membership termsgeneral terms and conditions and data privacy policy. For more information please contact

Dinner event at The Feuerle Collection. PHOTO: ©THE FEUERLE COLLECTION